So I had some chicken breast laying around and nothing to do with them.  I went through my post of things and was missing an integral ingredient to make those.  So, I went way back into the neurons of yesteryear and found this recipe sitting on an old dusty shelf.  I made the chicken with some asparagus and some mashed potatoes.  The real unsung hero of this recipe though, is the gravy.  You could put this up on old croc and it would taste good. 

To get started:

First thing we’re going to do is make the marinade. Normally you would use buttermilk; but, I never keep it in the house and always defer to an old trick on making a substitute.  The ratio is 1 cup of whole milk to 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. 

In addition to the buttermilk/substitute you’ll add:

Garlic powder

Onion powder 

Paprika (smoked if possible) 


Cajun seasoning 

2 eggs 

Whisk together to combine 

For the chicken: 

All you have to do is butterfly them, pound them even with your mallet or pan and then add them to the marinade 

Let sit a minimum of 4 hours or overnight if possible 

For the breeding 

4 parts flour

1 part bread crumbs 

Cajun seasoning 

Onion powder 

Garlic powder 




Heat up a skillet with your preferred frying oil. 

Drip dry the chicken and then dredge them into the flour mixture.  Be sure to pat down the flour well and fill all the little crevices.

Cook in the oil, you want the oil about half way up the chicken.  Cook 5-6 minutes a side depending on thickness. 

Let them rest 5 minutes before slicing or serving 

For the gravy:  

Gravy isn’t really the right word of this.  It’s more like a love juice. 

You’ll use:

I garlic toe- minced 

1 shallot- diced 

1 beef bouillon cube (or beef base)

1 cup beef stock 

1 cup chicken stock 

Worcester sauce 

Browning liquid 


Corn starch slurry 


Cook down the garlic and shallots in a tablespoon of butter.  

Add the stock and bring to a boil 

Add the beef bouillon (or 1 tsp of beef base) 

Add Worcester- about 4 shakes or 1 tablespoon

Add browning liquid(however much you like) 

When it’s back to a rolling boil, mix 2 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of cornstarch together in a separate cup. Pour the slurry into the gravy while whisking.  

Let it simmer until it thickens up and then add in the parsley, and let it simmer another 2 minutes. 

This gravy goes great on the chicken, on mashed potatoes, on meatloaf… or any other time you want a brown gravy. Best part is if you’re like me, these are all pantry ingredients. 

Enjoy 🙂